audio / visual / kinetic / spiritual craftsman
July 14th, 2012

Summer Yoga Retreat / July 14-16, 2012 – Mitake

Realizing Your Spiritual And Worldly Goals w/ Miles Maeda

Saturday July 14 – Monday July 16, 2012
at Nobori Shukubo, Mitake, Tokyo

Join us this Summer for an immersive weekend retreat at Mitake mountain. In this informative, practical and fun program we will focus on how to improve our health, attract more wealth, and gain useful insight about ourselves through the ancient teachings of yoga. It is a chance to gather all of our spiritual and worldly goals together and activate in ourselves the inspiration and determination to realize our dreams!

We have the ability to magnetize to us all the things we need and want in life. This is a simple truth which is obscured by the karmic conditioning of our body/mind. By using the tools of yoga, we can more clearly see our old unsupportive habits and patterns and recreate healthy new ones that help us to realize our true potential, manifesting exactly what we intend – improving our health, success with our work, enriching our spiritual life.

In this program we will learn three categories of practices, all working together to help us improve the way we function in our bodies and in the world: preparation (having clear intention), generation (building necessary life-force energy) and circulation (sharing the fruits of our labor). We will learn to purify and strengthen our body so we stop leaking vital energy. We will learn to generate and store necessary prana/ki to raise our level of performance and awareness. We will learn the importance of circulating and sharing this energy so it creates a continuous and abundant flow that supports all, including ourselves.

Course curriculum includes:
– Yoga teachings on plugging our leaks & cultivating prana/ki
– Hatha Yoga to energize the body & breath
– Kundalini Yoga to create opportunity & money
– Taoist pranayama to circulate life-force energy
– Tibetan meditation to clear karma
– Healing circle & Sufi dancing

Please join us for this rich and unique yoga program. It is intended for all levels of students, beginning and experienced alike.  Bring yourself, bring a friend. Let us all learn, grow and celebrate together in this transformative journey!

Japanese translation provided by Sawano Takano.


マイルズ・マエダによる スピリチュアルな夢、人生における目標を実現するためのヨガ・リトリート

2012年 7月14日(土)- 7月16日(月祝)
御岳山(東京 青梅) 宿坊 「能保利」


私たちには、人生に必要なもの、自分が欲しているものを引き寄せる能力が備わっています。この事は、心と身体のコンディションを左右するカルマの中にある、ごくあたり前の真実なのです。ヨガという手段を使えば、ためにならない古くからの習慣やパターンをはっきりと見分けることができ、健康的で新しいやり方を創り出す事ができるでしょう。そしてこれが、私たちの真の可能性を広げ、目標とする事 – 健康改善、仕事の成功、豊かなスピリチュアル・ライフなど – を実現させる助けとなるのです。

– 準備(明確な目的を持つ)
– 生成(必要な生命力エネルギーを培う)
– 循環(労働の成果を分かち合う)



– プラナ=気を作り出し、漏出を止める事についてのヨガの教え
– 身体と呼吸に活力を与えるハタ・ヨガ
– チャンスとお金を引き寄せるクンダリーニ・ヨガ
– 生命力エネルギーを巡らせるタオイストの呼吸法
– カルマを清算するチベットの瞑想
– ヒーリング・サークルとスーフィのダンス


共に学び、成長し、喜びを分かち合いませんか? 変革の旅へ、一緒に出かけましょう!




July 7th, 2012

Prosperity Workshop / July 7, 2012 – Sun & Moon Yoga Studio, Meguro

Prosperity Through Practice: Cultivating Energy And Awareness For Abundance

A Workshop with Miles Maeda at Sun and Moon Yoga, Meguro
Saturday July 7th, 5:00-7:30 pm

When we think of prosperity and abundance, we mostly think of money. But if we examine this idea, at its root is actually energy/prana/ki. And when we look even closer, we see that this energy is all-pervading and naturally abundant. So if we indeed want to live a life of prosperity and abundance, the first step is to understand this simple truth and to develop habits that support this reality within and without.

We have the potential to build and store vast amounts of energy if we are aware of our work, what we create, and how we manage it. Our bodies are containers of energy. So prosperity comes when we can strengthen our container, build the energy we store in it, and finally circulate that energy in our body and in our lives. The inner moves toward the outer, so as we develop this ability within, we experience the results as increased resources like money as well as opportunity.

In this workshop, we will examine our attitudes to discover and clear any obstacles that stand in our way of prosperity. We will learn simple exercises to create a supportive inner and outer environment where we can build, store and circulate energy and develop necessary awareness for abundance. In the end, we realize that we can practice and eventually stabilize our activity, our mind, our awareness and live effortlessly a life of prosperity and abundance.

To Register, please visit our website: and go to Workshops page, then send contact form with name of workshop, date, and your full name and phone number to register.

Japanese translation provided by Sawano Takano.



サンアンドムーン ヨガ 目黒




お申し込みは、ウェブサイト のワークショップページより、ワークショップの名称、日付とお名前(フルネーム)、お電話番号をメールにてお送り下さい。



Download the Sensing Exercise here.


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