audio / visual / kinetic / spiritual craftsman
March 22nd, 2016

Fasting & Recipes

Fasting ファスティング(断食)

from Foods for Health & Healing, Yogi Bhajan
ヨギ・バジャン著 Foods for Health & Healing より

Fasting is more than just the absence of food. It is a very powerful tool for healing and strengthening the body. Very seldom is it recommended to fast on water only. It is a good thing to fast on water once a week, but rarely is it wise to do an extended water fast. Most of the time, it is better to go on a mono diet of those foods which possess the healing properties which the body needs. It is safer, and often more effective.

As with any tool, it’s important to know the proper use of fasting before starting it. Don’t just go on a fast indiscriminately, because you can actually do yourself more harm than good. You should prepare yourself for the fast and make sure you have the capacity to go through with it. Preparing for a fast begins with modifying your diet. Eliminate junk foods or nonfoods, and begin eating lighter meals composed of mostly vegetables or fruits. Then try fasting for a meal or two, then for a whole day. When you feel comfortable with light eating and occasional one-day fasting, then you’re probably ready to try a fast of three to five days. It is always best to be under the supervision of a heath practitioner, especially on your first fast, or any time you fast for more than seven to ten days. The key words are preparation, moderation and supervision.

Although anytime is appropriate for starting a fast, springtime is best. The exact time of spring varies from region to region, but it is the time when the climate is changing from cold to warm and nature is reawakening. In the body, it is the time when the blood starts changing. This makes it a perfect time to cleanse and rebuild the system. The other time it is important to start a fast is when you need to heal a particular ailment. Again, this is best done under the guidance of an experienced health practitioner.

People who fast for the first time are often surprised to find that sticking to their diets is only half the challenge of fasting. Often the physical cleansing of a fast is accompanied by a mental cleansing as well. The discipline of the fast can bring out a lot of anger and negativity. If a person has used food to quell emotional appetites, then a fast may uncover these unfulfilled needs as well. The best way to deal with inner cleansing is just to stand back and let it happen. Try to view your negativity impartially as an observer. Every negative thought has a positive thought as its hidden twin. Simply watching a negative thought may cause its positive twin to appear. Then, by substituting the positive thought for the negative, you can change your consciousness from minus to plus.

How you break a fast is very important. Fasting cleanses the body, but it also makes it very sensitive. If you eat nothing but steamed greens for a month and then break your fast with a pizza and a soda, your body is likely to have some rather unpleasant things to say to you! It’s become unused to handling heavy foods and stimulants. For this reason, you should break a fast slowly. Begin with lemon water and honey, or with fruit. Then gradually add light dairy products or vegetables. Save the more slow-to-digest foods – nuts, grains and hard cheese – for last.

One more word of warning. If you’ve been eating junk food for a long time, or in other ways abusing your body, don’t expect to entirely cleanse your system overnight. Go slowly and steadily, making modest dietary changes at first. You will see gradual improvements. Once you have effectively cleansed your system, don’t expect to go back on junk foods without paying for it. Your body, having become accustomed to a higher-grade fuel, will not tolerate the heavy stimulants and nonfoods you once loved. Go back to eating junk foods if you like, but be prepared for your body to protest.


download the Mung Beans & Rice Recipe

download the Yogi Tea Recipe

(translation by Sawano Takano)

March 21st, 2016

Anti-Smog Pancakes

anti-smog pancake

Anti-Smog Pancakes アンチ・スモッグ・パンケーキ

When you’re feeling tired and dragged out on account of air pollution, these spicy pancakes are an excellent pick-me-up.

Download the recipe here ダウンロード Anti-Smog Pancakes アンチ・スモッグ・パンケーキ




by admin | Posted in Downloads, Health & Healing, Recipes | No Comments » |
March 20th, 2016

Tongue Brushing

from Yogi Bhajan

First thing in the morning, brush the teeth, the gums and the tongue to pull out toxins from the mouth. The best toothpowder has 2 parts potassium alum and 1 part salt. It draws out the mucus and the bacteria that has accumulated. Brush the root of the tongue until you gag and choke and your eyes water. The watering of the eyes is said to prevent cataracts. When you brush the back of the tongue and gag, two balls of mucus will come up from the “monkey glands”. These glands are responsible for collecting toxins that have drained from the system overnight. This should be done a few times. This mucus has to come out, otherwise it will go back into the body when you swallow, and pollute your system.

(translation by Sawano Takano)

by admin | Posted in Health & Healing, Practices | No Comments » |
March 19th, 2016

Dry Brushing For Detoxing

Dry Brushing For Detoxing デトックス(解毒)のためのドライブラッシング

Did You Know ご存知でしたか?:
– the skin is the largest most important eliminative organ in the body and is responsible for one quarter of the body’s detoxification each day?
– the skin eliminates over one pound of waste acids each day in the average adult, most of it through the sweat glands?
– that the skin is known also as our third kidney?
– that the skin receives one third of all the blood circulated in the body?
– that the skin is the last to receive nutrients in the body, yet the first to show signs of imbalance or deficiency?

Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing ドライスキン ブラッシングの効果
1. Removes cellulite セルライトの除去
2. Cleanses the lymphatic system リンパ系の浄化
3. Removes dead skin layers 不要な角質の除去
4. Strengthens the immune system 免疫系の強化
5. Stimulates the hormone and oil-producing glands ホルモンと皮脂腺の活性化
6. Tightens the skin preventing premature aging 皮膚を引き締め早期老化を防止する
7. Tones the muscles 筋肉を整える
8. Stimulates circulation 血行促進
9. Improves the function of the nervous system 神経系の機能を高める
10. Helps digestion 消化を助ける

What You Need To Do Dry Brushing 準備するもの:
Use a soft natural fiber brush with a long handle, so that you are able to reach all areas of your body. One with a removable head with a strap for your hand is a good choice.  You can also use a brush like the one pictured above.

How to Dry Brush やり方:
– always brush toward the heart
– Begin with your feet and brush vigorously in circular motions
– Continue brushing up your legs
– Proceed to your hands and arms
– Brush your entire back and abdomen area, shoulders and neck
– Use circular counter-clockwise strokes on the abdomen
– Lightly brush the breasts
– Brush upwards on the back and down from the neck


(translation by Sawano Takano)

March 18th, 2016


from Yogi Bhajan’s Kundalini Yoga for Youth & Joy

Hydrotherapy is a science.  It brightens and clears the mind.  It will bring energy and healing to all parts of the body.  It will cure your stomach, digestive tract, heart and brain.  It will totally change your cells and purify unhealthy blood.  Your body can be totally rebuilt.  Each organ will be rebuilt.  How?

We do ice cold water massage and not only do we open up the capillaries, but then when they close down again, that is, return to normal, that blood goes back to the organs.  The heart, kidneys, lungs, liver – each organ has its own blood supply.  In this way the organs get their flushing.  When the organs get a flushing, then immediately the glands have to change their secretion.  And this changes, rejuvenates your glands and blood chemistry and promotes youth and health.

When you take a cold shower, your blood rushes out to meet the challenge.  This means all the capillaries open up and all deposits have to go.  Everything is cleaned; it is a very cleansing process.  During hydrotherapy, the body is challenged by the cold water and by massaging the body, it can meet this challenge and not feel cold.

If you bring your body to that temperature where it can meet the cold by its own circulatory power, then all you have to do is come out and totally towel yourself, put on warm clothes, and put a blanket around you.  You can roll yourself up in a big bath towel also and you will become wild hot.  All the blood that is in the capillaries and in circulation will go back to the organs.  So the organs will get a rich supply of blood like a crop getting a beautiful rain, and then the crop grows up.  In exactly the same way, this is how you can balance your health.

Take your hands, let the cold water fall, and rub them to the extent that they become hot under the ice cold water.  And so with every party of the body; let it go, let it be, and stimulate yourself.  There’s nothing like standing under ice cold water and making your body become hot.  And everywhere that the cold water hits, the blood will come.  Everywhere you massage, rebuilding will occur and the psyche of each cell of the body will be reconstructed.
冷たい水を浴びながら、熱いと感じられる位まで両手をこすり合わせます。それから身体全体も同じようにこすりましょう。手放し、なすがままにして、身体に刺激を与えます。氷のように冷たい水を浴びながら, 身体を熱くするという経験は、普段得られない事だと思います。そして、冷水が当たった場所へ血液は流れます。マッサージした部位では修復が行われ、体内の細胞の中心となる部分一つ一つが再構築されるでしょう。

In hydrotherapy, water is a fatherly shield and anybody who can produce this shield that conquers the coldness of the water can conquer death.  That’s what hydrotherapy is based on.  It’s a very simple thing.  If I with my body can conquer the chilliness of the water, I can take away the chilliness of my life.  Value your life, have a strong built mind, body and soul.  Then the adversities of life will not touch you.

(translation by Sawano Takano)

by admin | Posted in Health & Healing, Practices | No Comments » |

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