audio / visual / kinetic / spiritual craftsman
October 4th, 2017

Modern Hatha Yoga 30-Hr Teacher Training @ UTL Yoyogi, Tokyo

30-Hour Teacher Training – Modern Hatha Yoga

Modern Hatha Yoga Training brings together techniques from various yogic/movement traditions to help students explore new and dynamic approaches to yoga asana, deepen one’s awareness and connection to the body and breath, and experience a sense of joy and freedom in one’s practice and in life. This course introduces a variety of techniques from the Gyrokinesis and Pilates systems as well as Kundalini, Taoist and Tibetan Yogas to integrate into a Hatha Yoga asana practice. These tools help to increase strength, stability and coordination in one’s body; allow ease of movement and tension release through breath and energy work; and provide tools to bring more creativity to one’s personal practice and in teaching classes.

This 5-day training will cover:
accessing core muscle groups for strength and stability in asanas
applying spinal movements for healthy posture and back
breathwork to awaken our core energies and clear obstacles
integration through both beginning and intermediate/advanced yoga sequences
hands-on adjustments and prop usage
constructing and teaching original sequences

Practices include:
Awakening the Senses
Taoist, Kundalini, & Tibetan Pranayama
Gyrokinesis principles & applications
Basic spinal anatomy & movements
Pilates principles & applications
Core muscle anatomy & basic Pilates mat sequence
Level I and Level II/III vinyasa set
Yoga sequencing

The first half of the course will be centered around applying the various movement/yogic techniques in a Level I vinyasa set. The second half will progress into a Level II/III intermediate/advanced asana set. Both help the student to integrate and embody the various elements both in one’s personal practice and in teaching classes.

This training is a continuing education course for yoga teachers and experienced students alike. Those wishing to receive supplementary practice and technique are invited to take the 12-hour workshop series for arm balancing & jumping transitions. The 4-day series is designed to support this 30-hr Teacher Training.



April 1st, 2016

Detox Yoga Workshop / Saturday April 16, 2016 – UTL Yoga School, Yoyogi

Miles 13

Preparing to Detox

spring cleaning for the mind, body and soul
Saturday April 16, 2016 9:00-11:00

When we begin our journey with yoga, it’s like preparing the soil for a garden to produce an abundance of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. As we deepen our practice, we plant the seeds that we choose
to cultivate. And if we want the best possible result with our garden, we create the best possible environment to nurture these seedlings. So similarly in our yoga practice, it is an important step to cleanse the body and mind to properly cultivate the ‘seed’ or light of our true nature which yoga reveals.

Spring is the perfect time of year to cleanse. It is when new growth appears in nature. It is when new blood is produced in the body and naturally we shed old, unused material. And by doing specific dietary cleanses in combination with asana, healing breaths and meditation, we create the optimal environment for our work with yoga to bear fruit.

In this workshop, we will introduce yoga asana designed specifically to heal the digestive system which, if not working properly, is the cause of many illnesses and diseases. We will look at healthy daily habits that will support you in preparing to detox. Plus we will look at a few suggested yogic cleanses which will aid in our body’s natural desire and ability to repair and heal itself. If we simply lighten the load we place on our bodies and minds, our yoga practice will bear the fruit that will nourish us deep within and eternally without.
Japanese translation by Sawa Takano










March 20th, 2016

Tongue Brushing

from Yogi Bhajan

First thing in the morning, brush the teeth, the gums and the tongue to pull out toxins from the mouth. The best toothpowder has 2 parts potassium alum and 1 part salt. It draws out the mucus and the bacteria that has accumulated. Brush the root of the tongue until you gag and choke and your eyes water. The watering of the eyes is said to prevent cataracts. When you brush the back of the tongue and gag, two balls of mucus will come up from the “monkey glands”. These glands are responsible for collecting toxins that have drained from the system overnight. This should be done a few times. This mucus has to come out, otherwise it will go back into the body when you swallow, and pollute your system.

(translation by Sawano Takano)

by admin | Posted in Health & Healing, Practices | No Comments » |
March 19th, 2016

Dry Brushing For Detoxing

Dry Brushing For Detoxing デトックス(解毒)のためのドライブラッシング

Did You Know ご存知でしたか?:
– the skin is the largest most important eliminative organ in the body and is responsible for one quarter of the body’s detoxification each day?
– the skin eliminates over one pound of waste acids each day in the average adult, most of it through the sweat glands?
– that the skin is known also as our third kidney?
– that the skin receives one third of all the blood circulated in the body?
– that the skin is the last to receive nutrients in the body, yet the first to show signs of imbalance or deficiency?

Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing ドライスキン ブラッシングの効果
1. Removes cellulite セルライトの除去
2. Cleanses the lymphatic system リンパ系の浄化
3. Removes dead skin layers 不要な角質の除去
4. Strengthens the immune system 免疫系の強化
5. Stimulates the hormone and oil-producing glands ホルモンと皮脂腺の活性化
6. Tightens the skin preventing premature aging 皮膚を引き締め早期老化を防止する
7. Tones the muscles 筋肉を整える
8. Stimulates circulation 血行促進
9. Improves the function of the nervous system 神経系の機能を高める
10. Helps digestion 消化を助ける

What You Need To Do Dry Brushing 準備するもの:
Use a soft natural fiber brush with a long handle, so that you are able to reach all areas of your body. One with a removable head with a strap for your hand is a good choice.  You can also use a brush like the one pictured above.

How to Dry Brush やり方:
– always brush toward the heart
– Begin with your feet and brush vigorously in circular motions
– Continue brushing up your legs
– Proceed to your hands and arms
– Brush your entire back and abdomen area, shoulders and neck
– Use circular counter-clockwise strokes on the abdomen
– Lightly brush the breasts
– Brush upwards on the back and down from the neck


(translation by Sawano Takano)

March 18th, 2016


from Yogi Bhajan’s Kundalini Yoga for Youth & Joy

Hydrotherapy is a science.  It brightens and clears the mind.  It will bring energy and healing to all parts of the body.  It will cure your stomach, digestive tract, heart and brain.  It will totally change your cells and purify unhealthy blood.  Your body can be totally rebuilt.  Each organ will be rebuilt.  How?

We do ice cold water massage and not only do we open up the capillaries, but then when they close down again, that is, return to normal, that blood goes back to the organs.  The heart, kidneys, lungs, liver – each organ has its own blood supply.  In this way the organs get their flushing.  When the organs get a flushing, then immediately the glands have to change their secretion.  And this changes, rejuvenates your glands and blood chemistry and promotes youth and health.

When you take a cold shower, your blood rushes out to meet the challenge.  This means all the capillaries open up and all deposits have to go.  Everything is cleaned; it is a very cleansing process.  During hydrotherapy, the body is challenged by the cold water and by massaging the body, it can meet this challenge and not feel cold.

If you bring your body to that temperature where it can meet the cold by its own circulatory power, then all you have to do is come out and totally towel yourself, put on warm clothes, and put a blanket around you.  You can roll yourself up in a big bath towel also and you will become wild hot.  All the blood that is in the capillaries and in circulation will go back to the organs.  So the organs will get a rich supply of blood like a crop getting a beautiful rain, and then the crop grows up.  In exactly the same way, this is how you can balance your health.

Take your hands, let the cold water fall, and rub them to the extent that they become hot under the ice cold water.  And so with every party of the body; let it go, let it be, and stimulate yourself.  There’s nothing like standing under ice cold water and making your body become hot.  And everywhere that the cold water hits, the blood will come.  Everywhere you massage, rebuilding will occur and the psyche of each cell of the body will be reconstructed.
冷たい水を浴びながら、熱いと感じられる位まで両手をこすり合わせます。それから身体全体も同じようにこすりましょう。手放し、なすがままにして、身体に刺激を与えます。氷のように冷たい水を浴びながら, 身体を熱くするという経験は、普段得られない事だと思います。そして、冷水が当たった場所へ血液は流れます。マッサージした部位では修復が行われ、体内の細胞の中心となる部分一つ一つが再構築されるでしょう。

In hydrotherapy, water is a fatherly shield and anybody who can produce this shield that conquers the coldness of the water can conquer death.  That’s what hydrotherapy is based on.  It’s a very simple thing.  If I with my body can conquer the chilliness of the water, I can take away the chilliness of my life.  Value your life, have a strong built mind, body and soul.  Then the adversities of life will not touch you.

(translation by Sawano Takano)

by admin | Posted in Health & Healing, Practices | No Comments » |
November 3rd, 2015

Mul Mantra

Ek ong kar
Sat nam
Karta purakh
Akaal moorat
Sai bhang
Gur prasad
Aad such
Jugaad such
Hai bhee such
Naanak hosi bhee such

God is one. Truth is His/Her name.  Creator, fearless, without enmity.  Immortal, unborn, self-illuminated by Guru’s grace.  Meditate.  True in the beginning.  True through the ages.  True at present.  Nanak shall ever be true.
神は全能。真実そのもの。創始者であり、怖いものや憎しみを知らない。永久で、生まれ変わる必要がなく、グルの恩恵により自分を照らし出す。 瞑想せよ。真実が全ての始まり。常に真実を保て。現時点でも、真実のみ。グルのナーナックは、永遠に真実。

download ダウンロード Mul Mantra mp3



May 16th, 2015

Managing Emotions with Yoga / June 27, 2015 – Sun & Moon Yoga, Gotanda


Managing Emotions With Yoga

Workshop with Miles Maeda
Saturday, June 27, 5pm-7:30pm
at Sun and Moon Yoga, Gotanda
Cost: 3,500yen

When we get emotional, having self-control and maintaining our awareness can seem difficult, if not impossible. But in actuality emotional states are very easy to identify and understand. An essential tool is learning about the Five Poisons, the basic categories of negative emotions. Then we can actually change the way we feel and experience the lightness and clarity which opens the door to our natural state of being – the state of yoga.

When we allow ourselves to be in a truly natural state, we deeply connect to our soul, rejoice in the happiness of others, feel inner and outer balance, and our spirit is uplifted and inspired. When we come up against obstacles and challenges, it can stimulate the patterns of our poisonous emotions. We can feel animosity towards others, become attached to things for our happiness, get stuck in habits that don’t help us to grow, or become indifferent or lazy about our growth and purpose in life.

In this workshop we will examine how to address the five poisonous emotions of anger, attachment, ignorance, jealousy, and pride. We will cultivate the naturally positive qualities in our being through breathing, movement and mantra as taught from Bön, the indiginous spiritual tradition from Tibet. No matter where we are now in our practice, we can all learn how to stop when we get emotional, check in with ourselves, and work as skillfully as possible to get the results we desire. Liberate your emotions and live a life full of joy and inspiration!

Japanese translation by Sawa Takano

How to Apply:
If you are interested in attending this workshop, hit Contact and send in a request with the workshop title in the subject.
Include your full NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER.
Payment instructions will be sent upon receipt of your request.




人は感情的になると、自己をコントロールしたり、気づきを保ったりすることを、不可能ではないにせよ難しく感じるものです。しかし現実には、心の状態というものは認識し理解することが非常に容易でもあります。必要なことは、「五つの毒」と呼ばれる否定的な感情の基本的カテゴリーについて学ぶことです。この学びによって、私たちは物事の感じ方を変え、明るくクリアな気分を味わうことができるようになります。これこそ私たちが自然な状態 – ヨガの境地 – へ到達するための扉を開いてくれるものなのです。






August 7th, 2014




Now available in the App Store!






April 18th, 2014

Organic Life Tokyo / Saturday April 26, 2014 – 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo








Meditation for Training the Mind
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Meditation can improve the function of the mind and our ability to concentrate. Concentration and depression are opposites. If we want to focus our lives, we need to be able to focus our minds.

Meditation is about training the mind to concentrate. Educate the mind to concentrate and you will need no other education. This means that a trained mind can be applied to any activity and bring success and eventually mastery. Thus applying meditation to what we do has rich potential.

In this lecture we will explore facets of meditation and what it means to train the mind. We will go over the basics of meditating and how to apply it to your practice and your everyday activity, thus opening the door to experience our fullest human potential. This is open to all levels of experience. Educate yourself to concentrate!

Click here to register!


April 1st, 2014

Preparing to Detox / Saturday, April 19, 2014 – UTL Yoga School, Yoyogi


Preparing to Detox – spring cleaning for the mind, body and soul
Saturday April 19, 2014 9:00-11:00

When we begin our journey with yoga, it’s like preparing the soil for a garden to produce an abundance of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. As we deepen our practice, we plant the seeds that we choose
to cultivate. And if we want the best possible result with our garden, we create the best possible environment to nurture these seedlings. So similarly in our yoga practice, it is an important step to cleanse the body and mind to properly cultivate the ‘seed’ or light of our true nature which yoga reveals.

Spring is the perfect time of year to cleanse. It is when new growth appears in nature. It is when new blood is produced in the body and naturally we shed old, unused material. And by doing specific dietary cleanses in combination with asana, healing breaths and meditation, we create the optimal environment for our work with yoga to bear fruit.

In this workshop, we will introduce yoga asana designed specifically to heal the digestive system which, if not working properly, is the cause of many illnesses and diseases. We will look at healthy daily habits that will support you in preparing to detox. Plus we will look at a few suggested yogic cleanses which will aid in our body’s natural desire and ability to repair and heal itself. If we simply lighten the load we place on our bodies and minds, our yoga practice will bear the fruit that will nourish us deep within and eternally without.
Japanese translation by Sawa Takano





Click here to register!



August 20th, 2013

You Are Responsible – November 2013



Understand that You Are Responsible

Learn How To:
Make your life work right
Make your self work right

This is accomplished through building:
Energetic relationships and a creative mind

Workbook Training Witness Training
1. Clear Communication
2. Conscious Use of Language
3. Completing Cycles and Keeping Agreements
4. Sensitivity to Time, Space, Objects and Energy

1. Meditation on your Self
2. Setting goals from vision
3. Being aware of your present condition
4. Disengaging from your patterns and identities

Our motto is:
Master Your Unit

To Master Your Unit means to become a fully functioning Hu-Man Being, which means a being of divine or infinite mind; master of both the physical, ordinary world and the world of Spirit. To Master Your Unit is to demystify both realms of existence. Training takes you to the place where you have the tools to complete your life’s purpose, which is the place where you no longer are in conflict. You experience yourself as an energetic being rather than something solid and fixed. You have established a profound relationship with energy and you are moving with the flow of energy. This training can be completed through weekly meetings or by correspondence.

If you will apply what is given in this course day after day, week after week, year after year, and root out of your life everything that goes against harmony and clarity, you will discover that your life will start to work right. You will discover that you will start to work right, because you will have begun to live in accordance with the laws of this physical universe rather than against them, and you will have the life energy of this universe backing you in every endeavor you undertake. Whether you want to excel in your profession, improve your relationships or attain enlightenment, the YAR Training will show you how to build the energy, concentration, integrity, sensitivity and awareness necessary to achieve what you want in life in a way that is harmonious with all life. A person who can function with accuracy and consistency in the mundane aspects of ordinary life and who can witness his/her own mind will have the power and clarity of mind to create something extraordinary.

The principles and practices of the YAR Training are simple, obvious and beautiful in their results. Rarely will you meet a person who lives them. When you do, you will notice the difference. When you start to live them, you will experience the difference. By paying attention to the small, physical details of life and the state of your own mind, you can learn to focus your energy with mastery and make your life into a work of art.

If you practice yoga to lose weight and you are taking a long time to reach your desired weight practicing Yoga, I recommend you take a look at so you can find out how you can lose weight quickly and effectively and the best of all is that it is totally healthy.

Are you ready to begin?


for information contact Miles –

Facebook invite here


February 2nd, 2013

You Are Responsible Workshop / Saturday April 20, 2013 – Sun & Moon, Meguro


You Are Responsible – guidelines and exercises in applying spiritual practices and teachings in worldly life (work, money, health and relationships)
責任を負うのはあなた – スピリチュアル・プラクティス、霊的な教えを人生(仕事、お金、健康、人間関係)に活かすためのガイドラインとエクササイズ

A Workshop with Miles Maeda at Sun and Moon Yoga Studio, Meguro
Saturday April 20th, 5:00-7:30 pm
3,500 yen
目黒 サンアンドムーン ヨガ スタジオ
4月20日(土)17:00〜19:30 3,500円

The first step in bridging spiritual practice with ordinary life is understanding that you and only you are responsible for your life. We struggle with the world, with others, and ultimately with ourselves. But we can shift from feeling like a victim in uncontrollable circumstances into feeling like a creator in a universe of limitless possibilities. And the way to do this is to first and foremost accept responsibility of our thoughts, words and actions.

The world is an educational environment whether we know it or not. We are always presented with opportunities to learn lessons and to master those lessons. And whether we learn them or not, this is Karma. The way we act, speak and think affects our environment. Thus if we want to change anything outwardly, we must first focus inwardly on ourselves. By following this and other spiritual truths that lead us to graduate from this ‘school’, this is the way of Dharma.

In this workshop we will begin the journey of understanding what it means to be responsible. We will cover guidelines for improving communication, how we relate to our word/agreements, and being sensitive to time, energy, objects and space. We’ll practice simple exercises which bring awareness to our thoughts, words and actions, bridging spiritual truths with our worldly activity. The end result will be greater self-awareness and valuable choices of how to live creatively, intentionally and manifest our dreams. The energy of our yoga practice can then support our everyday lives!

Beginning and seasoned students will all enjoy this lecture-style yet interactive workshop. Japanese translation provided by Sawano Takano.

To Register: visit workshop page, hit Contact and put the name of the TTC or workshop in the subject line, including your full name, phone number and email address. You will receive an automatic confirmation and later, individual confirmation. If you don’t hear from us within a week of registering please email us again. Sometimes mails do get lost! Register early as this workshop is bound to fill up quickly.
お申し込みは、スタジオのウェブサイト から、メール(お問い合わせフォーム)にワークショップのタイトル、日付、お名前(フルネーム)とお電話番号を明記の上お送り下さい。



July 7th, 2012

Prosperity Workshop / July 7, 2012 – Sun & Moon Yoga Studio, Meguro

Prosperity Through Practice: Cultivating Energy And Awareness For Abundance

A Workshop with Miles Maeda at Sun and Moon Yoga, Meguro
Saturday July 7th, 5:00-7:30 pm

When we think of prosperity and abundance, we mostly think of money. But if we examine this idea, at its root is actually energy/prana/ki. And when we look even closer, we see that this energy is all-pervading and naturally abundant. So if we indeed want to live a life of prosperity and abundance, the first step is to understand this simple truth and to develop habits that support this reality within and without.

We have the potential to build and store vast amounts of energy if we are aware of our work, what we create, and how we manage it. Our bodies are containers of energy. So prosperity comes when we can strengthen our container, build the energy we store in it, and finally circulate that energy in our body and in our lives. The inner moves toward the outer, so as we develop this ability within, we experience the results as increased resources like money as well as opportunity.

In this workshop, we will examine our attitudes to discover and clear any obstacles that stand in our way of prosperity. We will learn simple exercises to create a supportive inner and outer environment where we can build, store and circulate energy and develop necessary awareness for abundance. In the end, we realize that we can practice and eventually stabilize our activity, our mind, our awareness and live effortlessly a life of prosperity and abundance.

To Register, please visit our website: and go to Workshops page, then send contact form with name of workshop, date, and your full name and phone number to register.

Japanese translation provided by Sawano Takano.



サンアンドムーン ヨガ 目黒




お申し込みは、ウェブサイト のワークショップページより、ワークショップの名称、日付とお名前(フルネーム)、お電話番号をメールにてお送り下さい。



Download the Sensing Exercise here.


by admin | Posted in Practices, Yoga Workshops | No Comments » |
September 10th, 2011

Integration Yoga Workshop – Sun & Moon Yoga Studio, Meguro

Saturday, September 10

Integration Yoga Workshop

the science of the nadis, bandhas and chakras
@ Sun & Moon Yoga Studio

Yoga for many begins with the practice of asana, synchronizing the movements of the body with the flow of the breath. The definition of Yoga, according to Patanjali, is the cessation of the waves of the mind. So in order to bridge the one with the other, it is vital to integrate the dynamics of our subtle anatomy: the nadis (channels), bandhas (locks) and chakras (energy centers).

Hatha Yoga is the merging of opposites, the union of the male and female energies within us. This unification happens in the subtle anatomy, which is supported by our physical structure and activity. If one practices any of the Hatha Yogas (Ashtanga, Iyengar, Anusara, Bikram, etc.), the opportunity to deepen one’s practice is to cultivate the subtle energies within. We open and clear the channels, utilize the bandhas to guide and direct energy to flow freely up and through the various chakras, ultimately resulting in the stilling of the waves of the mind.

In this workshop, we will explore exercises to gain awareness of our subtle anatomy. We will do pranayama to strengthen the bandhas as well as learn a powerful mantra to clear and energize the chakras. Finally, we will do a yoga set designed to integrate subtle awareness with a physical asana practice. The practice of yoga opens many doors. And if it’s time to go deeper, the tools to help you do the work are right there inside of us.

インテグレーション・ヨガ ワークショップ – ナーディ、バンダとチャクラの科学

2011年9月10日 SATURDAY 午後6:00-8:30  ¥3,500





March 15th, 2011

Meditation For Atomic Radiation



What It Will Do For You:

Radiation is already affecting people.  If in a situation of atomic radiation, it will not kill you if your gene aura is one inch thick.

If your inside is in turmoil, this meditation will prevent you from dying.  It can be done anytime, and its effect will be to calm you, to energize you, and to relax you.

How To Do It:

Sit straight.  Let your upper arms hug your sides.  Hold your lower arms up so the hands are as high as your neck, palms facing away from your body.  Hands are in gyan mudra (tip of thumb and forefinger touching).

Chant the following mantra three times on one deep breath:  PRAANAA APANAA  SHUSHUMNAA HAREE, HAREE HAR  HAREE HAR  HAREE HAR  HAREE
次のマントラを深い一息で三回唱えます。プラーナ アパーナ スシュムナ ハレー ハレー ハー ハレー ハー ハー ハレー ハー ハレー

PRANAA is life force corresponding to the electron, APANAA is eliminating force corresponding to the proton, and SHUSHUMNAA is the central force corresponding to the neutron.  The beauty of this mantra is in the touch of palate and tongue.

You can do this for as long as you want, singly or in a group.  If you’d like a little fun, do it for 62 minutes and measure yourself with an electrocardiograph (biofeedback).  It is very powerful.

from Survival Kit: Meditations & Exercises For Stress & Pressure Of The Times, by Yogi Bhajan
ヨギ・バジャン著 Survival Kit: Meditations & Exercises For Stress & Pressure
Of The Times, by Yogi Bhajan より

(Japanese translation by Tomoko Kawahara)

by admin | Posted in Health & Healing, Practices | 1 Comment » |

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