audio / visual / kinetic / spiritual craftsman
March 22nd, 2016

Fasting & Recipes

Fasting ファスティング(断食)

from Foods for Health & Healing, Yogi Bhajan
ヨギ・バジャン著 Foods for Health & Healing より

Fasting is more than just the absence of food. It is a very powerful tool for healing and strengthening the body. Very seldom is it recommended to fast on water only. It is a good thing to fast on water once a week, but rarely is it wise to do an extended water fast. Most of the time, it is better to go on a mono diet of those foods which possess the healing properties which the body needs. It is safer, and often more effective.

As with any tool, it’s important to know the proper use of fasting before starting it. Don’t just go on a fast indiscriminately, because you can actually do yourself more harm than good. You should prepare yourself for the fast and make sure you have the capacity to go through with it. Preparing for a fast begins with modifying your diet. Eliminate junk foods or nonfoods, and begin eating lighter meals composed of mostly vegetables or fruits. Then try fasting for a meal or two, then for a whole day. When you feel comfortable with light eating and occasional one-day fasting, then you’re probably ready to try a fast of three to five days. It is always best to be under the supervision of a heath practitioner, especially on your first fast, or any time you fast for more than seven to ten days. The key words are preparation, moderation and supervision.

Although anytime is appropriate for starting a fast, springtime is best. The exact time of spring varies from region to region, but it is the time when the climate is changing from cold to warm and nature is reawakening. In the body, it is the time when the blood starts changing. This makes it a perfect time to cleanse and rebuild the system. The other time it is important to start a fast is when you need to heal a particular ailment. Again, this is best done under the guidance of an experienced health practitioner.

People who fast for the first time are often surprised to find that sticking to their diets is only half the challenge of fasting. Often the physical cleansing of a fast is accompanied by a mental cleansing as well. The discipline of the fast can bring out a lot of anger and negativity. If a person has used food to quell emotional appetites, then a fast may uncover these unfulfilled needs as well. The best way to deal with inner cleansing is just to stand back and let it happen. Try to view your negativity impartially as an observer. Every negative thought has a positive thought as its hidden twin. Simply watching a negative thought may cause its positive twin to appear. Then, by substituting the positive thought for the negative, you can change your consciousness from minus to plus.

How you break a fast is very important. Fasting cleanses the body, but it also makes it very sensitive. If you eat nothing but steamed greens for a month and then break your fast with a pizza and a soda, your body is likely to have some rather unpleasant things to say to you! It’s become unused to handling heavy foods and stimulants. For this reason, you should break a fast slowly. Begin with lemon water and honey, or with fruit. Then gradually add light dairy products or vegetables. Save the more slow-to-digest foods – nuts, grains and hard cheese – for last.

One more word of warning. If you’ve been eating junk food for a long time, or in other ways abusing your body, don’t expect to entirely cleanse your system overnight. Go slowly and steadily, making modest dietary changes at first. You will see gradual improvements. Once you have effectively cleansed your system, don’t expect to go back on junk foods without paying for it. Your body, having become accustomed to a higher-grade fuel, will not tolerate the heavy stimulants and nonfoods you once loved. Go back to eating junk foods if you like, but be prepared for your body to protest.


download the Mung Beans & Rice Recipe

download the Yogi Tea Recipe

(translation by Sawano Takano)

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